Image courtesy Vyga news
Translated by Venugopal Sreenivasan from MALAYALAM
This Blog intends to examine the competences of and proscriptions to a Sannyasi. To the extent I know, this is the first Blog on this subject.
The fourfold system in Sanatana Dharma dividing the social life into four periods as Brahmacharya (life of a celibate), Garhasthya(life of a householder), Vanaprastha (life of a renunciant) and Sannyasa is quite well known. The chronological order necessarily emphasises which one to come after which. Therefore, Sannyasa has to come after all the other three. Quite a few are very interested in great leaping and Sanatana Dharma in its greatness has allowed it, as it never interferes in the freedom of a person. That is how “instant Sannyasi” appeared.
Renouncing all the relationships and attachments, performing the final rituals for mother, father and self, removing theYajnopaveetha (“poonool” or the sacred thread) and Sikha (the tuft behind the head), when one accepts the saffron robe, he becomes a Sannyasi. He shall eat only once in a day. That too half belly. His only property the cloth around his waist and on his shoulder. He is a mendicant and customarily begs for food. He shall contemplate on the Mahavakyas likeAham Brahmasmi, Tatwamasi, Ayamaatma Brahma, Prajnaanam Brahma and spend life learning Upanishads.
He shall never become angry. He should be able to reply with a smile even to the most provoking question. Shall sit on the floor. He who hesitates for this is not considered a Sannyasi.
He shall not take part in any of those deeds reckoned as that of a householder like wedding ceremonies, feasts etc. According to Nimitha Sastra (the science of omens) the sight of a Sannyasi at places and occasions like these and also at the outset of a journey is most inauspicious. The Astrology endorses this. The penance for sight of a Sannyasi on such occasions is “Sachelasnanam” (bath with the clothes on) as prescribed by the Vedic experts.
Sannyasi is not a priest. And hence he shall not perform the acts of a priest. And he should not be allowed, too. A householder never shall make a Sannyasi his Guru or a Sannyasi shall never make a householder his disciple. The householder is the great among the four divisions as he is supporting all other three with food and other things. So all the three are below the householder. How can the lower one be the Guru of the higher one? So, do not become a Mahapapi (great sinner) by worshipping some one who does not know his own dos and don’ts. Since Sannyasi has no right for worshipping idols, he shall not enter the temples. Temples are for householders. If a Sannyasi happens to enter a temple,punyaham (act of sanctification) should be performed immediately. A Sannyasi should stay in either his Ashram or in the forests. In a contingency he has to stay in a village he shall do so just for one day. He should lie on the floor spreading his shoulder cloth. Any one who acts against this is not a Sannyasi, but a householder. The Hindu society should shun those who consider Sannyasa as a way to live luxuriously without doing any work. The householder and the society will be better by not having any contacts with such Mahapapis. The saffron robe belongs to him who has renounced all. Hence the householder shall never wear saffron robe. The saffron robe should never be used inside the temple or worn while performing pooja. Visit to temple and performing pooja etc should be done by wearing our best available dress. This is the “sastra”.
You can make great people and scholars role models and imitate them. But not a Sannyasi. All the Vaidik and Trantric rituals are for the householders. To know more about Sannyasis and their methods refer Arunikopanishad, Bhikshukopanishad, Ashramopanishad, Mahopanishad etc. Read some here.
The Sannyasi who is the beloved of those non-Hindus who are enemies of Sanatana Dharma, the communists, the atheists etc can never be a “Sanatana Dharmi”. The real Sanatana Dharmis should shun such a person.
While discussing subjects related to Sanatana Dharma quote only Scholars in Sanatana Dharma and not writers. A few have been quoting Pro. Sukumar Azheekod etc. Azheekod is only a writer and not a Scholar in Sanatana Dharma
To know the competence of this blogger in Sastras of Indian tradition click here
Also read Who is the master of Hindu sannyasi?
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